Despite my better efforts, I am 0/2 in trying to keep the negs from the one shot project from solarizing. I may begin to scan at the studio before people leave so that I have a good representation of the print that I left them with.
I am working on this project I am calling the "One Shot" project. Basically, I am meeting with people to shoot a portrait on 4x5 film, and giving them a positive from p/n Fujifilm before they leave. The whole idea of the project is to slow the whole process down for me and the sitter, and to experience the relationship that develops between myself and the person I am photographing for what it should be. Historically, before 'we' were taking more photographs in 2 minutes today than the whole of humanity did in all of the 1800's, the photograph was a privilege. It was what brought people together. That picture, which was made on large format film, may have been the only one that the subjects of the photograph ever had taken of themselves. We should treat each photograph that we take with the kind of respect and tradition that the history of the art demands.
More of this, my thoughts, and the first 3 subjects of the project to come.
In the meantime - here is one of the solarized negatives: