4x5 City Scenes

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Have begun two new projects, including a 4x5 city scene project (sounds kinda boring when I put it that way).  Enamored with the city in which we live - the deep history, the beauty of the modernization of a historically very industrial city that finds a way to retain it's gritty feel - I decided to set out on a project that documents these qualities.  The 4x5 camera is the tool, and black and white film.  They will all be diptychs such as this one, and the frames will be kept as part of a natural way to present the images:

© Jason Snyder 2012

Soon there will a section on my website for these and others.  Waiting for some 4x5 Tri-x 320 to arrive next week.  Also, been processing the 4x5 bw using the taco method at home - probably not the most technically sound way to do it, but it gets me the results that I need.  Diafine is a great developer that gives consistent results for scanning.

Great weather has arrived for the first of the portrait special days - look for results from today's sessions later this weekend.

Thanks for checking in!


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