Flamenco, coffee in the shower, and the Grand Canyon

Friday, February 10, 2012

Lately, I can't stop listening to flamenco music.  The Pandora station is constantly on while I am working, and makes what I am doing, which by the way sometimes seems very boring but necessary).  There is a kind of 'caution to the wind' kind of attitude that it conveys, but is so romantic and perplexing.  If you haven't had your dose of flamenco music today, try it.  You'll like it.

I drink coffee in the shower every morning.  

Although we have had a tease of warmth throughout the latter part of January, I feel constantly cold and shivering.  Doesn't matter how many layers I put on.  So I have been taking a second look at the pictures that I made while we were out West when we couldn't bear to be outside because it was 110F.


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