Printing Van Dyke Browns

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Got the recipe for the Van Dykes - ready to run 10, mat and prepare for sale - some at the PCA, and some privately.  Next week...
These are two contact prints on Arches watercolor paper of a 4x5 negative.  I shot the film yesterday, processed it at home (far more economical that at the darkroom) using the taco method (as opposed to trays).  Worked very nicely, and so long as I am careful I can avoid scratches.  Ilford Delta 100 rated at 100 shot with a Speed Graphic and Aero Ektar.  Processed in d76 1+1 for 12 minutes with a 10 minute fix - a good combination provided the original neg is pretty contrasty to begin with.

Definitely need to use the contrasting solution for the Van Dykes in the first rinse - and double coat the paper.  You can even see the difference in the two hanging here - the one on the right had 10 drops of contrasting solution - the left one none.  Additionally, they both were in the UV printer that I built (more on that sometime soon) for 8 minutes.

Also, I think Liquitex matte varnish to finish the prints is a good and viable option - I like the textured nature it provides, and since these prints are not very dynamic (low range) it is likely what I will do.  Additionally I wonder if it will add to the longevity of the prints and avoid fading.


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