Beautiful Mistakes

Monday, April 23, 2012

I'd like to say that this was planned - part of the process - the beauty of the manner in which the photograph was made.  But that wouldn't be true. Honestly I don't know why this occurred - I loaded three "taco" sheets into the tank several days ago because I only have a certain amount of film holders, and I wanted to take some on a job.  So this sheet, along with two others, sat in the tank for a couple of days until I could get around to processing it.  The tank was dry, dark, and untouched.  I have to assume that it was some irregularity in the developer (Diafine), but that is a pretty defined shape to be of the nature of irregular inversions.  If someone has an obvious answer that please chime in...

But that is really beside the point.  I like this photograph.  It carries a memory for me - I remember what it felt like, what it smelled like, and what it sounded like when I made that photograph.  I remember what the stream sounded like while it moved effortlessly through that low field.  And that is what matters.  That is the point. There was a time when I would have looked at this when I first processed it and said "Ugh - garbage.  Can't believe it."  Not anymore...

I will go back and shoot this stream again, as it deserves that.  But only because every time I return it fills me with a sense of excitement and anticipation.

4x5 Tri-x
Epson v600 Scanner


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