Feel the Grain

Thursday, April 26, 2012

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.  High school sports under stadium lights are tough to shoot, and late into the evening yesterday was no exception.  To the naked eye, one might look and say "Wow - it looks bright enough to me".  Well, the meter doesn't lie.  340mm lens, ASA 4000, f/3.3 and 1/500 was pushing it to get enough exposure.  And these older boys move fast.  If I had my choice I wouldn't even shoot slower than 1/1250.
©Jason Snyder 2012

Good thing I like grain.  I'm not saying I choose it, but I won't let it get in my way.  Additionally, these photos allow me the freedom to convert to monochrome, which I think really work sometimes.  Otherwise the 1/60 second color shifts in stadium lighting is a whole different story...  Forget about pixel peeping, and shoot for climactic moments.  It is at least a good place to start.

© Jason Snyder 2012


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